Monday, November 4, 2013

Make Time for YOU

Being a Mom is AWESOME! No really, it is. But it's no walk in the park either :) Some days I really miss being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. But, I guess that is the selfishness in me. These cute kiddos (and they ARE SO CUTE) are some of my greatest blessings. They require so much of my time, and I am blessed to be the one who gets to call them mine.

As moms, we often lose ourselves in the service of our family. This is a GREAT thing! But, it can also be detrimental to your sanity if you don't take time out for YOU. Don't get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else, that you forget to take care of you. You need time for YOU too. 

I have been a fitness lover long before I ever had children. In fact, I graduated with my teaching degree in Health Education and Exercise and Sports Science. I have come to learn, that exercise does SO much for your body, but it is also so great for the mind and the soul! 

I have also come to learn that being healthy is so much more than just exercising and eating right. It is finding a happy balance in all aspects of life including: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and environmentally.

I have so much that I want to share with you on these topics. They are near and dear to my heart, for various personal reasons which I hope to share with you at some point. Please know that my posts on health and fitness come from a place of love and for a desire to motivate those around me to feel good about themselves. I have seen firsthand the power that comes from putting your health first. Everyone deserves to feel good. Hopefully what I have to share will help motivate and inspire someone out there. Maybe that someone is you!

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad other people feel the same way I do! There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my children, but sometimes along the way we forget to take care of ourselves in the process. Thanks for the reminder! So in love with the new look, name, and content!

